I’m done

Right that’s it. I know I have to be patient but sitting around all day doing mostly nothing is irritating the hell out of me. 

I know I’m post op. I know I’m meant to be taking it easy. I know all this but I’m bored I’ve read so much and even started watching YouTube videos on how to learn guitar. Still rubbish at it. 

Hopefully Physio tomorrow will let me move forward a bit. 

Who’d have thought that recovery was so hard. 

It’s been a while 

So I’ve been away for a bit. Not as in out of the country and exploring weird tropical islands that have no wifi. I just haven’t had anything to blog about. 

I have no real updates on the weight loss as I havent been to the gym in a while. 

I have had some pretty major back issues return and it hasn’t been pretty. 

I had to get a second MRI scan to see how much the discs in my back had moved and it’s looking like surgery is required. 

No gym, no sports, no anything really. I’ve kept up the healthy eating but I’ve got to the stage where I need to be exercising more to see better results. I can’t even go for a walk as it hurts too much. 

The surgery will hopefully happen in a few weeks and after that the long road to recovery. 

I’ve done this all before, 2 years ago, so I know what to expect. 

Wish me luck. I’ll be back. 

Mountain Bike

So I thought it would be a good idea to build a MTB instead of buying one. 

I had the frame and wheels from another project and wanted to build something to my needs. 

Every time I get to a certain stage though I am missing parts and need a trip to the shop or eBay. 

Think it would have been easier to buy a bike. 

Ah well. Maybe next weekend it’ll be finished. 

3rd weekend in a row I’ve said that. 

I’m done

Well with all the Christmas festivities over I’m about done. I really could not be bother with tomorrow night. 

Think I might stay in with the wife and kids and enjoy it with a good book and a lit fire. 

I can’t continue this party lifestyle any longer. 

Being entertained or entertaining has taken its toll. 

Happy new year to you all. 

Unsubscribe button?

At the start of this year I set out on a quest. The quest was to unsubscribe to junk mail that comes through my inbox. 

I use to get almost 36emails a day that where pointless junk. Moving them to the junk folder only worked for a short time. 

But that unsubscribe button at the bottom of the emails not all of them work. 

I think some of them registered me again for more email updates. 

The quest continues.