Mountain Bike

So I thought it would be a good idea to build a MTB instead of buying one. 

I had the frame and wheels from another project and wanted to build something to my needs. 

Every time I get to a certain stage though I am missing parts and need a trip to the shop or eBay. 

Think it would have been easier to buy a bike. 

Ah well. Maybe next weekend it’ll be finished. 

3rd weekend in a row I’ve said that. 

I’m done

Well with all the Christmas festivities over I’m about done. I really could not be bother with tomorrow night. 

Think I might stay in with the wife and kids and enjoy it with a good book and a lit fire. 

I can’t continue this party lifestyle any longer. 

Being entertained or entertaining has taken its toll. 

Happy new year to you all. 

Christmas light

The house is looking like Christmas might be coming. The kids were in charge of decorating this year and one side of the tree looks lovely, the other is bald. 

They are so proud of themselves. 

Think I might need to move some decorations when they go to bed tonight or just move that side of the tree to the front. 

Not so fast food

The boys wanted McDonald’s for dinner tonight but I’m not a huge fan of them eating there. So I made homemade baked chicken nuggets, homemade baked chips and homemade BBQ sauce. 

Sure it took longer but to hear from the boys “so much better dad thank you” makes it all worth while. 

Pity I didn’t make more for myself. 

A well cheese sandwich it is. 

Week 6 

Still not 100% in the wellness scale. I have been suffering from some sort of man flu/flu/cold sort of thing. Add this on top of my lack of gym time and I was afraid to get on the scales this morning. 

In saying that I have lost another 5lbs this week. I’m now below my original target weight. Although it’s not great being sick all weekend it’s had it’s benefits. 

I’ll just have to prepare my self that when I’m feeling better that the next few weeks weight is going back on. 

Cold day

The weekend has been a bit on the chilly side but it hasn’t stopped the adventures. I took Friday off work and decided to take the family on a day trip to Dublin. Boys had a fun day window shopping for santa lists and playing with the Christmas decorations in the shops. 

Rugby training on Saturday for the eldest and an afternoon of Pokémon hunting. 

Sunday finished 2 fidget toy hand spinners (not the best but the kids like them) visit from my parents and trip to the museum in Belfast. 

Cold days but fun had by all. 

Pokémon go

Myself and 2 kids have been playing this game since it came out. I think it is genius. Getting parents who loved it as children, to interact outdoors with their children. 

I used to sometimes struggle to get the boys to walk but it’s so much easier when Pokémon are involved. 

I know it’s had it’s time and maybe starting to die off a bit but I’m still walking those eggs and trying to catch them all. 


Took the kids to see trolls. 

It’s an enjoyable watch, plenty of laughs with songs that will get stuck in your head for days. 

The story telling is pretty good, keeping the kids transfixed and the adults entertained. 

I liked it. One of the joys of having kids is able to go to watch cartoons at the cinema in the middle of the afternoon, without looking like a weirdo. 

7/10 in my opinion.