
The down side to having a weekend away with the guys is the diet goes out the window. Chips, beer and a lack of exercise is messing with the new change in my life. I know that the diets always start on a Monday but mine, it really has to this week.  

Although my friend Craig managed to leave the chips alone. 

I need  more will power. 

Trip away

Getting ready for a golfing weekend, packing up my wash bag, clothes bag and golf bag and wondering if I really need 3 pairs of shoes. Yes golf shoes are a must but the dress shoes and casual sneakers do I drop a pair and save space or change the wardrobe ideas to accommodate one pair. 

I knew that trying harder to look better would have its down sides. 


I managed to miss my daily updates yesterday and considering it it’s almost 7 in the evening I’ve almost missed today’s as well. 

Yesterday was a busy one. Between work and home life yesterday was hard work. Especially considering I was in a lot of pain from the gym the day before. 

Today on the other hand was a bit easier, work wasn’t as bad and with everyone out of the house doing their thing, I managed another trip to the gym. 

I have to admit the motivation to go was not there but the will power was. I need to shift the weight and get fitter. 

At the minute it’s all body weight exercise but it’s a big body. 

Make a change

So I have decided to make a difference in my life. I am currently 15 stone(210lbs) and that’s about 1stone (15lbs) to much. Story behind it is simple. I use to play football (soccer) and about 2 years ago hurt my back badly. I ended up in hospital having surgery for a prolapsed disc. It’s been 18 months after surgery and I need to do something about my weight. The abs have gone, the clothes are getting tighter and I’m sick of making excuses. So as and from today I’m changing. It’s about time to enjoy my later 30s and my children more. The back still is painfully but not all the time. Baby steps but steps none the less. 

Wish me luck. And I’ll keep you updated on the progress. 

Lazy days

I would normally have a lot on during the weekend but today is a rare occurrence.  After taking my eldest to rugby this morning the rest of the day has been spent chilling in the garden reading and listening to music. It’s great that the weather is so nice as well. 

Days like this really don’t come around that often but when they do it’s awesome to sit back and relax. 

Enjoy your weekend readers.